
Processed Glass Aggregate Survey Report

The Northeast Resource Recovery Association is publishing a report summarizing examples of processed glass aggregate (PGA) use throughout the Northeast.  In June of 2020, NRRA launched a survey to collect examples of PGA use.  The survey garnered a total of 18 participants from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Vermont. Among the survey respondents, most indicated they used PGA for municipal projects with few having used it in private projects. There were no examples of PGA use in a state project.

3R's of the Common Core - A Teacher's Resource Guide to Solid Waste & Recycling

NRRA’s School Recycling Club is pleased to offer our school curriculum 3R’s of the Common Core: A Teacher’s Resource Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling .

A Blueprint for Hazardous Material Management in Schools

Why a Hazardous Waste Manual for Schools?

Schools face increasingly complicated social and economic issues. As society acknowl­edges its connection to the environment, schools are adding environmental concerns to their issues lists. The National School Board Association says the school's environmental responsibility extends to three areas:

Closing the Food Loop at School: An On-Site School Composting Guide

Why do students throw away perfectly good food? One California waste generation study showed that students generate 37.3 pounds of organic waste per year, making it almost half of the total waste generated at a school (California Department of Resources 2014). There are countless more recent studies, but one thing is clear; the United States has a school food waste issue. Food waste leads to increased waste disposal costs and wasted food budget funds, not to mention the environmental costs of sending food to sit in a landfill.
