
Affecting Recycling and Reuse Change in Your Town

The following presentation was given at NRRA's 2022 Recycling Conference & Expo. This workshop was livestreamed, but due to technical difficulties, a recording is not available.

Electric Car - Hybrid Vehicle Battery Management

STOP: Electric car batteries DO NOT BELONG at Recycling Facilities!

Communities should not accept these batteries but should advise residents to contact the specific manufacturer for instructions on proper handling.

Roll-Off Container Covers

Markets require that recyclables be kept dry to ensure the lowest cost or highest revenue for loose aluminum cans, cardboard, commingled containers, glass, mixed paper and steel cans. Many communities have purchased the covers described below to keep their recyclables dry (free of rain and snow, as well as the added benefit of keeping material from blowing around your facility).

Company: DumpsterGard

  • Made of 90% recycled rigid plastic

  • Four panels cover a large container

TRC: Mercury Thermostat Recycling

Mercury Thermostat Recycling Companies

Mercury-containing thermostats should be disposed of/recycled responsibly.

For more information on safe handling of mercury-containing devices, please visit NHDES Managing My Waste: Mercury-Containing Devices page. 

Book Recycling

Textbooks, Hardcover and Softcover

Below are a few resources you may contact for book recycling options.

The Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA)

Some of our vendors accept softcover books in with the residential mixed paper. One of our vendors accepts hardcover books, in boxes, delivered to Wilmington, MA.

Resource Recycling: Collective Action

The below article was first published in the January 2021 issue of Resource Recycling magazine, the leading national magazine focused on residential recycling, and is available in the online flip edition format

Over 100 communities in the Northeast U.S. work together to move recovered glass to two downstream outlets.

HB 617 Recycling & Solid Waste Study Committee - Testimony & Report

In the fall of 2019, the New Hampshire HB 617 Recycling & Solid Waste Study Committee held fourteen hearings to study how the State can assist municipalities during challenging recycling markets following China's National Sword.  NRRA’s Executive Director, Reagan Bissonnette, actively participated in these hearings and testified multiple times, along with some NRRA members.  The committee’s extensive final report was issued on November 1, 2019. 

NRRA's recycling markets testimony and the final report are included in this resource.  

Battery Recycling

Call2Recycle Household Battery Recycling & Disposal

Call2Recycle offers convenient options for responsibly recycling your old batteries. Whether you only have a few batteries or generate larger quantities, need a one-time option or ongoing solution, Call2Recycle has you covered. 

NH Pay As You Throw Towns

Additional Resources

For resources  to help set up a PAYT program or to order bags or disposal stickers:

Pay As You Throw Toolkit

Resident Disposal Stickers

Processed Glass Aggregate Specifications and Approved Uses by State - New England

Summary of Specifications and Approved Uses of Processed Glass Aggregate in New England - Environmental and Transportation Agencies 

Wondering how the specifications and uses for processed glass aggregate (crushed recycled glass) vary from state to state in New England?  Did you know that the requirements not only differ by state, but also by state agency? 
