Recycling 101 Presentation

NHDES Credits:  0.5

In August 2022, NRRA was awarded a grant by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service to launch a Recycling Tools of the Trade project. This project is aimed at helping to address the unique challenges small, rural communities in New Hampshire face when it comes to solid waste management. With support from this USDA grant, NRRA is developing several new resources for our smallest communities. One such resource, which debuted at the 2023 Annual Recycling Conference & Expo, is a Recycling 101 presentation. Feedback on the presentation was very positive, with residents and operators alike expressing that they learned something new from the presentation.

This Recycling 101 presentation was designed for NH residents to learn more about:

  1. Solid waste and recycling across the country

  2. Recycling in New Hampshire

  3. What happens to materials when they are recycled

  4. Challenges and possible solutions New Hampshire faces when it comes to solid waste and recycling

  5. Next steps residents can take to make a difference

The Recycling 101 presentation was designed so that ideally any individual, recycling committee member, or operator would be able to give this presentation to interested residents within their community. Notes have been included with each slide. For communities not interested in presenting, the recorded presentation is free to be shared with community groups as well. 

RECOMMENDATION: share the presentation in video format with a follow-up question and answer section with local transfer station operators to answer community-specific questions that residents may have.

This presentation is free and designed to be shared with NH communities. 

If you would like to present this presentation to your town or community, you are welcome to download a PowerPoint version of the presentation, which includes notes for all slides. Please note, this PowerPoint is password protected to prevent editing of the slides. When prompted, click "read only" - you will then be able to view the presentation and all notes when viewing the slide show in "Presenter View."

Download Recycling 101 PowerPoint PRESENTATION

Download Recycling 101 Presentation Slides

Download Recycling 101 Presentation Slides & Notes


**This material is based upon work supported under a grant by the Rural Utilities Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Rural Utilities Service. Rural Community Assistance Partnership, Inc., is an equal opportunity provider and employer.