Scales Toolkit

A scale is a necessary tool all transfer stations and recycling centers should consider.
Scales streamline weight-based pricing and provide towns, taxpayers, residents, and customers a fair and accurate way to charge for disposal of everything from MSW to common recyclables to trickier items such as shingles and electronics.
We recommend all transfer stations and recycling centers have a floor scale.
In this Scales Toolkit, you will find the basics about floor and truck scales in a video and a printable resource, several resource links for operators, and case studies.
(Video should load shortly or watch the Scales Toolkit Video on YouTube)
Need help or have a question? Reach out to our Member Services team by email or by calling: 603-736-4401
Key Takeaway: When setting weight-based fees, operators should consider the costs being covered by the fee, such as transportation of the material, scale servicing costs, and the labor involved.
A scale makes weight-based pricing more FAIR and ACCURATE for the town, the taxpayers, and the customers (commercial, visitors, or residents).
The Basics:
- Cost range: $1000 - $3000
- Can use town appropriations, a grant from NH the Beautiful, or a USDA community facility loan or grant to cover the purchase cost.
- All weather indoor scale life expectancy: 20+ years
- No license required to operate.
- Must be registered with the state and calibrated annually.
- Recommended for every facility, no matter how small the town or community is.
The Basics:
- Cost range: $50,000 - $100,000+
- Requires town appropriations, bond, or a USDA community facility loan or grant to cover the purchase cost.
- Pit scale life expectancy: 40+ years (with no salt erosion)
- Ground scale life expectancy: 20+ years
- Requires a licensed public weighmaster to operate.
- Must be licensed, inspected, and tested annually.
- Choice to invest in a truck scale depends in large part on the quantity of materials that go through the facility and will differ from town to town.
- (NH Dept. of Agriculture) Licensure and Certification of Commercial Devices (Truck Scales)
- (NH Dept. of Ag.) Weighmasters Licensure and Renewal Requirements
- (NH Dept. of Ag.) Steps for Truck Scale Licensure
- (NH Dept. of Ag.)Truck Scale and Weighmaster FAQs
- NRRA Info Sheet: Scale Companies
- New Hampshire the Beautiful Municipal Recycling and Storage Equipment Grants
- USDA Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program
- (Gilford Facebook) Installation of the Gilford, NH truck scale
- (Town Website) Washington, NH Vehicle Scale resident information
- (Town Website) Laconia, NH Scale Instructions resident information
Looking to find out more information about scales from a fellow operator? Give us a call at 603-736-4401 or send an email and we can connect you with a transfer station in NH that currently has a floor or truck scale!
The following resources have been created by NRRA in regards to battery recycling. This is a dynamic and up-to-date listing of all battery-related resources.