Information Sheet

Solid Waste Consultants

NRRA is often asked for Solid Waste Consultant recommendations. Below is a list of consultants found in the Northeast. Please note, this list is provided for informational purposes only and are not recommendations, nor is this a complete list. This can be used as a starting point for vendors. Thank you.

CMA Engineers

Portsmouth, NH

Municipalities with Food Waste Diversion Programs (NH)

NRRA receives requests from municipal members who are interested in hearing about members with current food scrap composting programs. They want to know where to start, how to survey their community, how to get their residents involved, and how to get the decision-makers on-board.  We hope that the communities below can serve as an example to other municipalities who need to know where to start to set up their own food scrap composting programs. Please check out their resources and reach out with questions.

Food Waste Composting & Diversion Services

Food waste should be kept OUT of municipal solid waste (MSW) whenever possible. 

They can either be composted (in the luxury of your own yard), or deposited at a facility such as the examples below.  Check out these resources to see if they offer a solution for you! Additionally, you may want to check with your local transfer station, local farms, and garden centers to see what options they offer as well. 

Average Cost Per Ton (Tipping and Trucking): C&D, MSW

Average Cost per Ton of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste)- NRRA Members

Based on 2022 tonnages and haul fees

Towns with Population 4,000 and under


 Compiled January 2023

Cooking Oil Disposal

NRRA members are encouraged to collect and recycle this valuable commodity.

Recycled cooking/vegetable oil will be used for local heat recovery, transportation, or electricity production.

Amenico - American Energy Ind. Co., LLC

5 Main St., Pittsfield, NH 03263


- Amenico will place a 55 gallon drum(s) or 275 gallon “tote” at your facility for vegetable oil collection

Boat Wrap Recycling

NRRA managed a boat wrap recycling program from 2006 to 2018. In that time, wrap from over 25,000 boats was shipped to sites in NH or MA for processing and exported for recycling. Due to the high costs of transportation and declining overseas market, this program was no longer viable.

In the Spring and Fall of each year, NRRA gets many inquiries from residents as to what to do with their boat wrap.

Currently, NRRA does not have recycling solutions to offer other than encouraging boat owners to:

Electric Car - Hybrid Vehicle Battery Management

STOP: Electric car batteries DO NOT BELONG at Recycling Facilities!

Communities should not accept these batteries but should advise residents to contact the specific manufacturer for instructions on proper handling.

Roll-Off Container Covers

Markets require that recyclables be kept dry to ensure the lowest cost or highest revenue for loose aluminum cans, cardboard, commingled containers, glass, mixed paper and steel cans. Many communities have purchased the covers described below to keep their recyclables dry (free of rain and snow, as well as the added benefit of keeping material from blowing around your facility).

Company: DumpsterGard

  • Made of 90% recycled rigid plastic

  • Four panels cover a large container

TRC: Mercury Thermostat Recycling

Mercury Thermostat Recycling Companies

Mercury-containing thermostats should be disposed of/recycled responsibly.

For more information on safe handling of mercury-containing devices, please visit NHDES Managing My Waste: Mercury-Containing Devices page. 

Book Recycling

Textbooks, Hardcover and Softcover

Below are a few resources you may contact for book recycling options.

The Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA)

Some of our vendors accept softcover books in with the residential mixed paper. One of our vendors accepts hardcover books, in boxes, delivered to Wilmington, MA.
