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Though US Representative Chris Pappas wasn't able to join us in person at the 2023 NRRA Annual Recycling Conference & Expo , he did send along a special message for our wonderful members, attendees, and in particular, a thanks to the hardworking solid waste operators across New Hampshire.

View the full video message below or on YouTube .

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Over 300 attendees from New England and beyond attended the recycling nonprofit Northeast Resource Recovery Association’s (NRRA) Annual Recycling Conference & Expo on May 22 and 23 to talk Recycling Tools of the Trade .

Recycling and waste management industry attendees gathered at the conference’s new location, the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH. The new location was chosen in part for the Center’s focus on reducing their environmental impact through innovative solutions, including integrated recycling programs, energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, food waste composting, and local food sourcing. The new space buzzed with connections as attendees, speakers, and exhibitors networked between the 22 workshops and two keynote presentations over two days.

For over forty years, NRRA’s annual Recycling Conference & Expo has been a premier conference focused exclusively on municipal recycling and waste reduction in the Northeast, pulling in some of the biggest names in recycling and...Read more


NRRA is excited to introduce NRRA member communities to the Community Facilities Loan and Grant program available through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Rural Development. This program provides matching grants up to $50,000 to eligible communities based on population and median household income. Grants can be used for a wide variety of essential community needs, including solid waste infrastructure. NRRA staff recently met with Jon-Michael Muise, Area Director of Rural Development at USDA, to learn about this program, and Jon will be a guest speaker at NRRA's January 12, 2022 MOM meeting.

USDA Rural Development is committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in rural America. Through its programs, Rural Development helps rural Americans through three types of programs: (1) guaranteed loan products; (2) direct lending; and (3) grant programs. Rural Development's Community Facility Program serves populations of 20,000 people...Read more

NRRA’s Premier Annual Recycling Conference & Expo “Recycling Tools of the Trade” Registration Now Open!


Epsom, NH – For over forty years, recycling nonprofit Northeast Resource Recovery Association’s (NRRA) Recycling Conference & Expo has been the premier annual event focused exclusively on municipal recycling and waste reduction in the Northeast. This year, the conference will be held for the first time at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH on Monday, May 22 and Tuesday, May 23, 2023. This year’s theme, “ Recycling Tools of the Trade ” emphasizes the tools and skills necessary to build thriving municipal recycling and waste reduction programs in our communities. New England has the highest cost for trash disposal in the US, making waste diversion a financial and environmental imperative.

Each year, hundreds of attendees join from across the recycling and waste management industry, including...Read more


NRRA Executive Director, Reagan Bissonnette, recently shared about participating in the Leadership New Hampshire Environment & Sustainability program day:

My presentation at the Leadership NH Environment and Sustainability program day was a blast! It was held at the Seashell Ocean Pavilion at Hampton Beach State Park. I've never been there, and we were in a second story room with lots of windows overlooking the ocean. After Steve Poggi from Waste Management provided a national perspective on how we handle our waste, I spoke about trash, recycling, and food waste in NH and why it matters. I kept my remarks to 15 minutes, which left 30 minutes for a lively Q&A. I emphasized the following three takeaways in my talk :

(1) Nearly 1/4 of all our municipal solid waste (trash from households, businesses, schools) by weight disposed nationwide is food waste. A shocking number even to me now!...Read more


Member Services Manager, Brian Patnoe, recently shared his thoughts on the modern day Rs and it's more than recycling:

Many of us grew up with the “Three Rs”. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Nice and simple. But like most things in life, it's expanded over time. We need to start looking at things differently.

Since I twisted my knee badly right before Earth Day , I could not help with our town’s roadside cleanup, so instead I decided to bring the Earth Day sentiment home. I looked around my house to see what changes I could make to become even more environmentally friendly. That's right, even with over 20 years in this industry, even I can still do better - just like we all can.

I started by thinking about and looking at 6 fundamental options: Can I REDUCE my waste, can I REUSE...Read more
On Tuesday April 11, NRRA Executive Director, Reagan Bissonnette, attended the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC) 9th Annual Talking Trash Conference for Northern New England. NRRA was a conference partner along with the Solid Waste Association of North America for the event, and Reagan served on the conference planning team. This year, Reagan suggested that the conference highlight concrete solutions to solid waste problems, rather than focus mostly on the problems. The group agreed and identified three main topics to cover: municipal solid waste, organics, and soils and sludge. While introducing the conference, Reagan encouraged speakers to define any acronyms used, because while most of the audience was experienced solid waste professionals, there are always new people we want to welcome into the conversation. Opening the first presentation, Redirecting Municipal Solid Waste , the moderator noted that if the proposed Dalton landfill is constructed, it would be the...Read more

This year for Earth Day, NRRA Executive Director, Reagan Bissonnette, was interviewed on responsible recycling. In the spirit of recycling, we wanted to share the interview with you as well. You can find more responsible recycling answers in our Recycle Right pages!

While recycling has become commonplace for most households in the United States, many people still have a very casual attitude toward it. What’s your point of view on the importance of individuals playing their part to recycle?

One person can make a difference when it comes to recycling. Each piece you recycle - no matter how small - adds up. Take, for example, a single aluminum can - recycling just one can save enough energy to run a 14 watt CFL bulb for 20 hours, a computer for 3 hours, or a...Read more

The Solid Waste Working Group (SWWG) met on March 31st. The meeting featured three presentations about food waste diversion initiatives. University of NH presented on their composting program in Durham, NH. Food waste from campus cafeterias and bedding from their equine program is combined to create compost for use on UNH farm fields. To reduce contamination, UNH has food services staff, rather than students and faculty, separate food scraps in campus cafeterias. Elm City Compost Initiative, a residential compost collection service in Keene, NH, presented from their perspective. Specifically, the owner shared three ideas for how New Hampshire could support more food waste diversion: (1) provide incentives for businesses to divert food waste; (2) advertise food waste diversion options at local transfer stations; and (3) provide financial support for purchasing equipment for composting operations, such as a tractor. Waste Management (WM) ...Read more
The NRRA Board of Trustees has welcomed Littleton Solid Waste Manager, Steve Bean, and Lancaster Town Manager, Ben Gaetjens-Oleson to the Board! We at NRRA are grateful for dedicated and experienced Board Members, such as Steve and Ben, who are committed to NRRA's mission of partnering to make recycling strong through economic and environmentally sound solutions. Steve has worked at the Littleton Transfer Station since 2014, becoming Lead Attendant in 2017, and Manager in February of 2021. He was awarded the NRRA Rookie of the Year in 2021 and most recently came in 2nd place in NHTB Engage the Residents contest! Working in conjunction with the NRRA and Trex decking, Steve has created the film recycling program in Littleton that continues to divert the product away from the landfill. In his spare time Steve enjoys riding his Harley, fishing, hiking, and spending time with his wife Pamela and their...Read more
