Joan Cudworth

As Board Chair, Joan is a supporter of the NRRA, what it stands for, and looks forward to both the future of NRRA and the future of composting in the state of NH.
Joan has been working for the Town of Hollis over 20 years. She worked at the Transfer Station for 18 years before being promoted to Director of Public Works. Joan enjoys the challenges in the Solid Waste field and continues to oversee the Transfer Station. The everyday unknowns and the ever-changing recycling markets have kept her engaged over the years. Besides her day-to-day work load as Director, she continues to help with snow plowing and any other duties that need to be covered at the Public Works garage.
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband Scott, her father John, her two daughters and son in laws and grandson Luke, granddaughters Zoe and Delaney. Joanie loves to play and watch Luke play soccer. Art with Zoe and singing to baby Delaney. Joanie loves to garden, hike, puzzle and spend time at the beach.