MOM Meeting - July 2024

Wednesday, July 10, 2024
9:00 am to 10:30 am EDT
Location: (hybrid) NRRA Office at 2101 Dover Road in Epsom, NH or Online or by Phone
Member Operations Marketing (MOM) Meetings are open to all NRRA Municipal Members.
Please feel free to bring a fellow recycler!
This will be a hybrid meeting - you are welcome to join us in person, online, or by phone!
Meeting Agenda:
- Introductions
- Cooperative Marketing and Purchasing
- Market Update
- Tires with Rims
- NHDES Updates
- Education & Technical Assistance
- Bill of Lading Reminders
- ACH Payments
- Solid Waste Working Group & Legislative Updates
- New Hampshire the Beautiful Programs
- Open Discussion & Other Business
- Conference Recap
Here are instructions on how to join this meeting by phone, computer, or mobile device:
Click to join by video on your computer or mobile app.
To join by phone, please dial: 469-998-5899,
conference ID: 992 922 227#
Attendance at MOM meetings count as 1.5 hours of continuing professional development credit for the NH DES Solid Waste Operator Certification.