2016 Annual Report

As sure as the leaves are falling outside my office window it’s time to provide the President’s statement on the state of the NRRA. The views expressed are my own. While we place a premium on consensus building at NRRA, there are so many moving parts to NRRA that every question I ever ask Executive Director Mike Durfor, or any staff member for that matter, reveals something new, something I didn’t know. Experience teaches me that with knowledge comes wisdom; although I often find that the more I know the more I realize that there is so much I don’t know. I was very privileged to be able to represent NRRA during a recent trip to New Orleans to attend the Resource Recycling Conference. While I was there I had an opportunity to travel to Belle Chase Parish located about 30 minutes from New Orleans. I was there because I was proximate enough to be able to bestow an NRRA School CLUB Recycling Award to the students of Our Lady of Perpetual Help School who successfully convinced the Parish Council to reverse a decision to discontinue recycling in the Parish due to the cost. The students became the teachers because the cost of recycling versus the cost of disposal doesn’t always consider a variety of factors that need to be part of the discussion. - Read more from President Duncan Watson in the Annual Report