2015 Annual Report

In my e-mail inbox today was a gentle reminder that yet another year has gone by and it is time for me to submit the President’s Statement for the Annual Report. With the reminder to get cracking was last year’s Statement which of course I read to bask in the literary genius that are the hallmark of
my President Statements. And I thought, hmmmm I wonder if I could literally recycle, word for word what I wrote last year? Of course I would do it under the auspice of determining if anyone actually reads this stuff, and the simple fact is what I said last year is still relevant this year. It’s staring us in the face- we must
change. Our business model will ultimately not sustain us going forward. We cannot keep pulling rabbits out of our over three decade old hat. It’s not like the fire is on the chair we are sitting in. - Read more from President Duncan Watson in the Annual Report