NRRA's 2021 Compost Bin Sale - RSVP by April 8, 2021!

March 5, 2021

NRRA Annual Compost Bin Sale is Back for 2021!

Individuals are more likely to compost their food scraps if they have the tools/equipment readily accessible at their home. Help offset the amount of food scraps ending up in your town's MSW by offering Compost Bin Sale items for sale to your residents! 

Items Available to Order (MUST ORDER in full pallets):

  • Compost Bins

  • Compost Turners

  • Rain Barrels

  • Kitchen Pails

Get All the Information & Sign Up for the Sale!


Why should NRRA municipal members consider participating in this compost bin sale?

Food scraps are heavy, and therefore expensive to dispose of as municipal solid waste. Nationwide, food scraps comprise 24% by weight of the material going into our landfills, which makes food scraps the largest single material by weight that we landfill as a country (based on the Environmental Protection Agency's most recent data from 2018). So encouraging your residents to compost could help your community save taxpayer money by decreasing your cost of disposal. In addition, composting food scraps also benefits the environment because food scraps in landfills create methane gas, a powerful greenhouse gas.

Did you know?

  • Earth Day is April 22, 2021! (it is also the deadline for final orders)
  • Composting enriches soil, suppresses plant diseases and pests while reducing the need for chemical fertilizers, thus saving money on expensive potting soil.
  • Composting keeps certain types of waste out of household trash, limiting the build-up of rotting vegetable odors. Essentially, the waste is recycled rather than being thrown away.
  • It is possible to conserve municipal water supplies & cut household water bills by up to 40% with backyard rain barrels.
  • Many communities, especially those in Vermont, have rules banning compostable materials from landfills/Municipal Waste.