Lindt Chocolate's Sustainability Day Includes Rethinking Packaging

July 30, 2020

Did you know that July 28 is National Milk Chocolate Day? Our own Heather Herring, Education Manager, recently presented as part of Sustainability Day to members of the Lindt Chocolate Research and Development, Creativity, and Procurement Teams. They requested to learn more about where NH garbage goes and if recycling is really happening today. This young energetic group had lots of specific questions about the recycability of their candy wrappers, plastic trays, and packaging. They are looking into package design for their products and were recommended to consult with NRRA as part of Lindt's Sustainability Report priorities. NRRA was pleased to hear that a chocolate company was working on sustainability from cradle to grave.

To learn more about Extended Producer Responsibility, please register for NRRA's webinar on August 26th!